Wild in Art Commission

Awesome Merchandise Tote Collab

Everpress Tee-shirt

Wall Mural Design

Visual Foraging workshop at Birmingham Design Festival

Visual Foraging workshop at Birmingham Design Festival

Visual Foraging workshop at Birmingham Design Festival

Awesome Merchandise Tote Collab

Hand-poured Candle Range

We are Lucky Pablo, a.k.a Jane Anderson and Ally Standing, a Birmingham-based creative duo.
We started working under this moniker back in March 2020, at the beginning of the first COVID lockdown. What started off as a few nights spent compulsively doodling shapes, forms, and symbols - just to take our mind off the troubling events which were unfolding - soon took on a new significance, and since then we’ve been doing our best to spread a bit of visual joy through our playful and folk-inspired designs.
Not limiting our practice to a singular medium, we have created prints, homewares, textiles, wall murals and creative workshops.
Our clients have included: Wetransfer, Fy.com, Civic Square, Wild in Art and Awesome Merchandise.
Follow us on social - instagram.com/_lucky_pablo
Visit our online shop - luckypablo.bigcartel.com