The Brief
Rebrand and packaging for Foragers Bee & Honey Co. These bees forage in the orchards, fields and hedgerows of rural Worcestershire and I wanted to reflect that in the style. The design contains hand drawn illustrated wildflowers and flints of the forager. The labels were produced in complimentary colours for Soft Set, Wildflower, a light Spring-time and Welsh Mountain honey.
"The company now has a brand thanks to Jane's ideas, hard work and creativity. The hand drawn plants on the logo and label are beautiful. Our previous labels were utilitarian and did nothing to promote the quality of our honey. Jane managed to strike the right balance between meeting the legal requirements of the labels and making them attractive. Not easy on small labels. The new labels are professional, distinctive and contemporary. Everything that I wanted them to be".
Rhona Toft - Foragers Bees Co http://foragersbees.co.uk